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5 Tips for a Holiday Engagement


It’s beginning to look a lot like engagement season! The holidays are a magical time surrounded by the people you love most. And with so many engagements happening between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day, it’s also a popular time for proposing. Thinking of popping the question over the holidays? These five tips will help you plan the big event.

1. Who: Will family and friends be involved, or will it just be the two of you? If they want family and friends there, you can get them involved to create a truly special surprise. Remember that questions are bound to come your way after you propose. Be prepared to answer with at least a general idea of what your big day will be like.

2. What: Do you know what your partner will say? It’s always a good idea to talk about getting engaged before you pop the question. You can be sure you’re both ready without taking away from the excitement of the proposal. You should know your partner’s answer to avoid creating an awkward situation if family is present.

3. When: Do you want to propose on a holiday, before, or after? If you have out-of-town family, you may want to consider their schedules so you can celebrate with them. Regardless of when you propose, make some time for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of family events, so set aside time to celebrate your newfound commitment to each other.

4. Where: Will you propose at a public place, or during a quiet moment with just the two of you? You could plan a fun holiday date or propose at a location that’s special to you both. It’s also popular to propose at a family holiday party, but remember to keep other people’s feelings in mind. Is marriage a sensitive subject for any of your family members? Will proposing during a special tradition steal someone else’s spotlight? This should be a joyous occasion, so keep in mind your loved ones’ feelings and coordinate timing if necessary.

5. How: Have you thought about how you’ll ask? Maybe you have a big speech prepared, or maybe you aren’t sure what to say. Even if you definitely know your partner’s answer and are totally prepared, you’re likely to get nervous. That’s okay. Keep it simple and speak from the heart. You love each other, and that’s what matters most.

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