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Extended Service Agreements | Kay
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The ESA isn't a replacement plan. Watches and the replacement of diamonds or gemstones are not covered under the ESA.

Nothing in the ESA obligates KAY to repair or replace materials resulting from excessive or abusive treatment of the merchandise other than normal wear and tear. The ESA also does not cover, including but not limited to:

  • The loss or theft or damage resulting from loss, theft, misuse, abuse or Act of God.
  • If you purchase the ESA after your merchandise purchase, it doesn't cover existing conditions that occur in the time between buying your merchandise and the effective date of the ESA.
  • The ESA doesn't replace, any other warranties/guarantees applicable to the merchandise - it's a supplement.
  • You must perform all maintenance on the merchandise required by any applicable underlying warranties/guarantees to maintain the merchandise in usable and wearable condition, as detailed in those warranties/guarantees.
  • The ESA does not cover damage resulting from failure to comply with recommended services and/or maintenance as required under such warranties/guarantees.

This isn't a repair plan. Watches and jewelry that ordinarily may be repaired aren't covered. Nothing herein shall obligate us to replace merchandise other than as a result of normal wear and tear. This Plan does not cover excessive or abusive treatment of the merchandise. Insignificant cosmetic damage is not covered. This Plan does not cover loss or theft of the merchandise or damage resulting from loss, theft, misuse, abuse, or act of God. Defects resulting from tampering with or modifying the merchandise are not covered.

If you purchase the Plan after you purchase merchandise, the Plan does not cover pre-existing conditions in the merchandise that occurred after you purchased the merchandise and prior to the effective date of the Plan. The Plan can only be purchased within 30 days of the original purchase.

The Plan does not replace, but supplements, any other warranties/guarantees, applicable to the merchandise. You must perform all maintenance required to keep the merchandise in usable and wearable condition, as provided in said warranties/guarantees. Damage resulting from failure to comply with recommended services and/or maintenance under such warranties/guarantees is not covered by this Plan.

For specific details, see Jewelry Replacement Plan terms & conditions >

Speak with a virtual jewelry consultant for more help

This document establishes your consent to communicate with us electronically. Please read this document carefully and retain a copy for your records. The words we, us, and our mean Sterling Jewelers Inc. d/b/a Kay Jewelers and Signet Service Plans Inc. The word you means the individual purchasing the OPTIONAL EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN and/or OPTIONAL JEWELRY REPLACEMENT PLAN. The word Disclosures means the communications set forth in the Scope of Consent paragraph below. 

Consent to Receipt of Electronic Disclosures
By indicating your agreement, you indicate that you are able to receive our Disclosures electronically and that you consent to receiving them electronically. Such Disclosures shall be considered to be in writing and in a form you can keep for the purposes of state and federal law. Furthermore, any method that you use to indicate your assent during the purchase process shall be consider an electronic signature.

Scope of Consent
Your consent applies to the receipt of all legal and/or regulatory disclosures associated with purchasing the OPTIONAL EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN and/or OPTIONAL JEWELRY REPLACEMENT PLAN with us, along with the Terms and Conditions of our Extended Service Plan and Jewelry Replacement Plan.

Hardware and Software Requirements
To access, view, and retain Disclosures that we provide you, you must have:

  • A connection to the Internet.
  • A current version of an Internet browser which supports HTML and SSL encryption.
  • Your browser settings must have cookies and java script enabled.
  • A means to print or store notices and information through your browser software.
  • The hardware and software necessary to operate the items above.
Paper Copies
Upon request, we will provide you with paper copies of the Disclosures. You may make such a request by calling us at 1-800-527-8029. There is no charge for paper copies.

Withdrawing Consent
You may withdraw your consent by discontinuing the online purchase process at any time before you checkout. However, if your consent is withdrawn, you cannot purchase the OPTIONAL plan online. You may also purchase in person at any Kay Jewelers store.

Updating Your Contact Information  
If any contact information you provide us changes, please call us at 1-800-527-8029 so that we may update our records. 

Federal Law
Your consent is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce and is subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. The Act shall apply to the fullest extent possible in order to validate our ability to conduct business with you electronically.  
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